Panama City News Herald Archives
best hermes replica handbags Panama City News Herald (Newspaper) June 7, 1974, Panama City, Florida best hermes replica handbags
best hermes replica NEWS MAM), Panama City, Fla., Friday, ime % 1M4 Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY. CASE NO. 74 728. DIVISION C IN RE: Petition of JAKE SPIRES and ANNIE MCALLISTER SPIRES. TO: Floyd Eugene Davis Street Address unknown Kansas City, Missouri and Felton Brooks Address and whereabouts unknown NOTICE OF SUIT FOR ADOPTION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED That the above named Petitioners have filed suit for Adoption of VENNYCE EMMANUEL BROOKS, TIMOTHY ELIJAH BROOKS, DANA VENDEL DAVIS, DEBORH A CHARMINE DAVIS and ANGELA VENYETTE DAVIS and you are hereby notified to file your written defense with the Clerk of this Court and to serve a copy thereof upon THEODORE R. BOWERS, Attorney for Petitioners, 1115 W. 15th Street, Suite 6, Post Office Box 811, Panama City, Florida not later than July 2, 1974. Herein fail not or default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court at Panama City, Bay County. (SEAL) BRUCE COLLINS CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA. located at 12010 West Highway 98, Panama City Beach, Bay County. Florida. Those interested in the enterprise and the extent of the interest of each Is as follows: Harry Hirsch, Jr., SO per cent; John L. Gohres 50 per cent. Proof of publication of this intention1 to register is filed pursuant of this intention to register is filed pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statute 865.09. AFFIDAVIT UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME STATUTE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAY The undersigned, under oath, say: It is the intention of the undersigned to engage in a business enterprise under the fictitious name of Minor and McLaughlin Manufacturers, Inc., located at 219 Kraft Avenue, Panama City, Bay County, Florida. Those interested in the enterprise and the extent of the interest of each is as follows: Walter A. Minor, SO per cent; Leonard L. McLaughlin, 50 per cent. Proof of publication of this intention to register is filed pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statute 865.09. Walter A. Minor Leonard L. McLaughlin Sworn to and subscribed reviews before me this 8th day of May, 1974. Russell R. Stewart Notary Public My commission expires: August 9, 1977. 8648: May 17, 25,31, June 7,1974. Mobile Homes (Location of Business) 2714 E. 15th Street, Panama City, Florida. (Owner) George C. Martin, Jr. 8651: May 17,24,31, June 7, 1974. Harry Hirsch. Jr. John L. Gohres Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of May, 1974. Abraham Gerher Notary Public My commission expires: Upon Death 8647: May 17,24,31, June 7,1974 AFFIDAVIT UNDERFILTIf IOUS NAME STATUTE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BAY The undersigned, under oath, say: It is the intention of the undersigned to engage in a business enterprise under the fictitious name of Minor and McLaughlin Exports, Inc., located at 219 Kraft Avenue, Panama City, Bay County, Florida. Those Interested in the enterprise and the extent of the interest of each is as follows: Walter A. Minor 50 per cent; Leonard L. McLaughlin 50 pet cent. Proof of publication of this intention to register is filed pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statute 865 09 Waiter A. Minor Leonard L. McLaughlin Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of May. 1974. replica hermes bags vista Russell R. Stewart Notary Public My commission expires: August 9,1977 8649: May 17,24,31, June 7,1974 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY. CASE NO. 74 702 IN RE: The Marriage of DANIEL McCLOUD, Husband, and EVELYN McCLOUD. Wife. NOTICE OF SUIT EVELYN McCLOUD, whose address and place of residence is unknown, however, her last known address was: c o Levester Thomas, 7408 Melrose, Cleveland, Ohio. Box 1022, Panama City, Florida, and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court on or before the 25th day of June, 1974; otherwise a Judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. 1974. (SEAL) BRUCE COLLINS, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT. BAY COUNTY. FLORIDA By Mary Lou Self Deputy Clerk May 24.31. June 7. 14.1974. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR BAY COUNTY CASE NO.: 73 375 CP IN RE: The Estate of PETER CLARK, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of Peter Clark, who died on December 20,1973 while a resident of Bay County, Florida, are notified that they are required to file any claims or demands that they may have against his Estate in the Circuit Court for Bay County, Florida, in the Courthouse at Panama City, Florida, within four calendar months from the date of the first publication of this Notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and filed in duplicate, and must state the place of residence and post office addresss of the claimant and hbags hermes replica be sworn to by the claimant, his agent or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. Dated May 28, 1974 MARY CLARK LEWIS. at the Panama City Beach City Hall on a rezoning request to change Block A, Bid A Wee Subdivision from the present zoning of R 2 toT 3. Edwards Jr. 8772: May 24,31, June 7, 14, 1974. Dorothy Farger 21 Pleasant view Avenue Willow Street, Pennsylvania 17584 PARCEL No. 130 Evelyn Farger 321 Reno Street New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 PARCEL No. 130 John Farger 1131 Richmond Road Lancaster. Pennsylvania 17604 PARCEL No. 130 Mary Farger 1131 Richmond Road Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 PARCEL No. 130 Melvin Farger 21 Pleasant view Avenue Willow Street, Pennsylvania 17584 PARCEL No. 130 Alice L. Jones, marital status unknown 4206 Columbia Pike No. 22 Arlington, Virginia 22204 PARCEL No. 159 Leah Miller Moskovitz, a k a Lena Miller Moskovitz, marital status unknown c o Herbert O. Smith Route 1, Box 422 F Seale, Alabama PARCEL No. Payne, Jr., marital status unknown 4632 North Orchard Street Fresno, California PARCEL No. 144, 804 Robert L. Rouse 106 W. Jackson Street Charleston, Illinois PARCEL No. 151 R Virginia Rouse 106 W. Jackson Street Charleston, Illinois PARCEL No. 151 R Charles Williams, marital status unknown Residence Unknown PARCEL No. 149 R The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, spouses, creditors of John W. Young, deceased. Residence Unknown PARCEL No. Rouse and wife; Virginia Rouse East 270 feet; thence North 388 feet; thence West 270feet to POINT OF BEGINNING; lying Easterly of and within 140 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, Southerly of Station degrees’M’^’toThe end of curve; 1313 Plus M, and lying Easterly of and thence North 14 degrees 52′ 34″ East within 125 feet of said survey line, 877.91 feet to the East line of said Sec Northerly of Station 1313 plus 00. sa d tton 15 at a point 1146.31 feet North survey line to be described and said of Southeast corner of said Section Station to be located as follows: IF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE, is and the end of survey line herein Begin on the North line of Section 24, Section 46040 2S21 LIVING. AND IF ANY OR ALL OF described; Township 2 North, Range 12 West at Parcel No. 159 Containing 583 square feet, more or a point 1289.58 feet West of the That part of: less. NOTICE OF HEARING TO SHOW CAUSE NOTICE OF SUIT THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: Nina Chaffin 24 Bay wood Street Babylon, New York PARCEL No. 107 Robert Chaffin 24 Baywood Street Babylon, New York PARCEL No. 107 Louis R. Demarco, Jr. 193 Pine Street New Haven, Connecticut PARCEL No. 129 Thilomena Demarco 193 Pine Street New Haven, Connecticut PARCEL No. 129 8775: Bradford Farger 321 Reno Street New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 PARCEL No. 130 Frank Tapasto 634 Fourth Street Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 PARCEL No. 130 Mary Tapasto 634 Fourth Street Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17604 PARCEL No. 130 Calvin D. Young, marital status unknown Route 2, Box 127 Pioneer, Louisiana PARCEL No. 118 R Elmer Farger, marital status unknown Residence Unknown PARCEL No. 130 The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, spouses creditors of George F. Farger, deceased. Residence Unknown PARCEL No. 130 The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, spouses creditors of Charles Lindsey, deceased. Residence Unknown PARCEL No. Payne, deceased. Residence Unknown PARCEL No. 144, 804 The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, spouses, creditors of Moses Sloan, deceased. Residence Unknown PARCEL No. 14S R, 167 LIVING, AND IF ANY OR ALL OF SAID DEFENDANT OR DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED, THE UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS,,OR OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY. THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST ANY SUCH DECEASED, OEFENDANT OR DEFENDANTS, IF ALIVE. AND, IF DEAD, THEIR UNKNOWN SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEGATEES, GRANTEES, CREDITORS, LIENORS. OR OTHER PARTIES CLAIMING BY. THROUGH. UNDER, OR AGAINST ANY SUCH DECEASED DEFENDANT OR DEFENDANTS, AND ALL PARTIES HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN AND TO THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT, TO WIT: Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 106 That part of: “A parcel of land beginning at a point which is located 950 feet North of the SW corner of the SE Va of NE Vi of Section 27, Township 1 North, Range 12 West, Bay County, Florida, and running East 189.3 feet to the edge of the Panama City Cottondale State Highway R W(SR 75); thence running North 215 feet along said R W; thence West 214.7 feet; thence South 214.7 feet to the POB”: lying Westerly of and within 130 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line to be described herein: Begin on the North line of Section 27, Township 1 North, Range 12 West, at a point visit site 1776.52 feet East of the Northwest corner of Northeast one quarter of said Section 27; thence run South 7 degrees 52′ 40″ West 2657.14 feet to the end of survey line herein described; Containing 0.48 of an acre, more or less. SUBJECT TO: The interest, if any, of Etta Lindsey, a widow; Oscar A. Nance and wife, Arzela Nance; Robelie Merchant and husband, William Merchant; Mildred Hallman McCusker and husband, Robert McCusker; Curtiss Lindsey and wife, Nita Lindsey Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 107 That part of:. Lot 1 of Block 5 of the Second Section of the Florida Ranchos Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 6 of the public records of Bay County, Florida, Section 15, Township 1 North, Range 12 West; lying Westerly of and within 60 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line to be described as follows: Begin on the South line of Section 15, Township 1 North, Range 12 West, at a point 247.89 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section 15, said point Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 113 That part of: Lots 3 and 4 of Block 6, Florida Ranchos Subdivision, Second Section, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 6 of the public records or Bay County, Florida, Section IS, Township 1 North, Range 12 West; lying Westerly of and within 60 feet That part of: State Road 75 right of way. Payne, deceased SUBJECT TO: The interest, If any. Payne, Jr., marital status unknown Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 145 R of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line to be described as follows: Begin on the South line of Section IS, Township 1 North. Range 12 West at a point 247.89 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Section IS, said point being on a curve, concave Easterly and Having a radius of 17188.73 feet; thence from a tangent bearing of North 13 degrees 52′ 45″ East run Northeasterly 299.05 feet along said curve, through a central angle of 0 degrees 59′ 49Y’ to the end of curve; thence North 14 degrees 52′ 34″ East 877.91 feet to the East line of said Section 15 at a point 1146.31 feet North of Southeast corner of said Section IS 20% OFF ON MEN’S WEAR HI STYLING MEN’S WEAR 424 HARRISON AVE. 769 4745 BANKAMERICARD. Highway 231, and running East Seventy yards, and runs thirty five yards North and South on the front and thirty five yards North and South on the back. Being a portion of the East half of the North East Quarter of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 12 West. The above described half acre being in the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, said Sec _, tion, Township and Range; and”the end of survey line herein lying Easterly of and within 125 feet described; of the survey line of State Road 75, Containing 1000 square feet, more or Section 46040\ said survey line to be less. 118 R That part of: Lots 9 and 10 Block Florida Ranchos described as follows: Commence on the North line of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 12 West (South line of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 12 West) at a point 1289.58 feet West of the Northeast comer of said Section 24, Southeast comer of said Section 13; thence North 7 degrees, of SI’ 23″ East 100 feet to the POINT Sub OF BEGINNING of survey line to be division, Second Section, as described herein: thence’run South,e^piakreco/d/!d.,n p,at 7 degrees SI’ 23″ West lOOfeet to the look 8, Page 6 of the public North line of said Section Hermes replica Clutch 24 (South records of Bay County, line of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 12 West) at the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT; thence con tinue South 7 degrees 51′ 23″ West 200 feet to the end of survey line herein described; Containing 0.06 of an acre, more or less, exclusive of area within existing BIG SALE THRU FATHER’S DAY Florida, Section 15, Town ship 1 North, Range 12 West; lying Westerly of and within 65 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line to be described as follows: Commence on the East line of Section 15, Township 1 North, Range 12 West, at a point 1146.31 feet North of the Southeast comer of said Section 15; thence run South 14 degrees 52 34″ West hermes bag replica 154.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of survey line to be described Herein; thence run North 14 degrees. Young, deceased SUBJECT TO: The Interest, if any, of Calvin D. Young, marital status unknown Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 129 That part of: Lots 7 and 8, Block 4 of the Florida Ranchos Subdivision, First Section, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 5 of the public records of Bay County, Florida, Section 2, Township 1 North, Range 12 West; lying Westerly of ana within 125 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line to be described as follows: Begin on the South line of Section 2, Township 1 North, Range 12 West, at a point 3072.85 feet West of the Southeast comer of said Section 2; thence run North 14 degrees 52′ 34″ East 687.78 feet to the end of survey line herein described; Containing 0.17 of an acre, more or State Road 75 right of way. Block 32 of Keith’s First Addition to Fountain, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 46 of the public records of Bay Cotlnty, Florida; lying Westerly of and within 55 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line being described as follows: Begin Ml the North line of Section 22, Towrtthip 1 North, Range 12 West, at fl point 247.89 feet West of the Northeast comer of said Section 22, said point being on a curve, concave Easterly, having a radius of 17,188.73 feet; thence from a tangent bearing of South 13 degrees 52′ 45″ West run Southwesterly 1800.45 feet along said curve, through a central angle of 6 degrees 00′ OS” to the end of curve and the end of survey line herein described; Containing 550 square feet, more birkin inspired replica handbags or less. Jones, marital status unknown Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. Highway 231, and running. East Seventy yards, and runs thirty five yards North and South on the front and thirty five yards North and South on the back. Being a portion of the East half of the North East Quarter of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 12 West. The above described half acre being in the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, said Section, Township and Range; lying Easterly of and within 100 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line being described as follows: Commence on the North line of Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 12 West at a point 1289.58 feet North 88 degrees 17 17″ West of the Northeast comer of said Section 24; thence run North 7 degrees 51′ 23″ East 100 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of survey line to be described herein; thence South 7 degrees 51′ 23″ West 300 feet (crossing the North line of said Section 24 at the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT) to the end of survey line herein described; Containing 0.16 of an acre, more or less, exclusive of area lying Within 33 feet of the above survey line. Demarco, Jr. and wife, Thilomena Demarco Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 130 That part of: Lot 9, Block 4. of the Florida Rancho Subdivision, First Section, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 5 of the public records of Bay County, Florida, Section 2, Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. Highway 231 (SR 75) and Westerly of the Atlanta St. Andrews Bay Railroad lying Westerly of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, and within a transition from 200feet at Station 1165 plus 00 hermes replica handbags to 375 feet at Station 1171 plus 50, and lying Westerly of said survey line and hbags replica hermes within a transition from 375 feet at Station 1171 plus SO to 340 feet at Station 1174 plus 30. said survey line to be described and said Stations to be located as follows: Commence on the West line of Section 36, Township 2 North, Range 12 West (East line of Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 12 West) at a point 1565.92 feet North of the Southwest comer of said Section 36 (Southeast comer of said Section 35) said point being on a curve, concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 3777.74 feet; thence from a tangent bearing of South 65 degrees 29′ 18″ West run Southwesterly 356.15 feet along said curve, through a central angle of 5 degrees 24′ 06″ to Station 1165 plus 00, said Station being the POINT OF BEGINNING of survey line to be described herein; thence from a tangent bearing of North 60 degrees 05′ 12″ East run Northeasterly 356.15 feet alongg said curve, through a central anggle of birkin bag replica amazon 5 degrees 24′ 06r’ to a point on the East line of said Section 35 (West line of said Sec Section 46040 2521 Parcel No. 804 LATERAL DITCH RIGHT (NORTHEASTERLY) STATION 1310 plus 10.68 (PART) That part of: The W Vi of the S Vt of the NE ‘/w Township 1 North, Range 12 tion 36) said point being the POINT West; lying Westerly of and within 125 feet of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, said survey line to be described as follows: Begin on the South line of Section 2, Township 1 North, Range 12 West at a point 3072.85 feet West of the Southeast comer of said Section 2; thence run North 14 degrees 52′ 34″ East 687.78 feet to the end of survey line herein described; Containing 0.09 of an acre, more or less. Farger, deceased SUBJECT TO: The interest, if any, of Frank Tapasto and wife, Mary Tapasto; Melvin Farger and wife, Dorothy Farger; John Farger and wife, Mary Farger; Bradford Farger and wife, Evelyn Farger; Elmer Farger, marital status, unknown Section replica birkin bag 46040 2521 Parcel No. 75; thence South along said Easterly R W line 187 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of parcel of land to be described herein; thence continue South along said R W liiyj 388 feet; thence run OFCOMMENCEMENT; thence continue Northeasterly 52.53 feet along said curve, through a central angle of 0 degrees 47′ 48 to the end of cur ve; thence North 66 degrees 17′ 06″ East 241.32 feet to”StatTon’1171’plus 50; thence continue North 66 degrees 17’ 06″ East 280 feet to Station 1174 plus 30 and the end of survey line herein described; Containing 1.49 acres, more or less, exclusive of area within existing State Road 75 right of way, and the Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Railroad right of way. 151 R That part visit this site right here of: The N Vi of S Vi of NE Va of SE Va, Section 35, Township 2 North, Range 12 West; lying Westerly of the survey line of State Road 75, Section 46040, and within a transition from 200 feet at Station 1165 plus 00 to 375 feet at Station 1171 plus 5 best hermes replica.